RUB » Collaborative Research Centres (SFBs) » SRC642: GTP- and ATP dependent membrane processes

16th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules

The 16. “European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules“ ECSBM will take place at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, from the 6th until the 10th of September 2015. The ECSBM meetings are attended by researchers using spectroscopic techniques (Raman, IR, UV-Vis, fluorescence, NMR, EPR), as well imaging techniques to the study biomolecules, either isolated or in cells and tissues.

Topics of the 16th ECSBM will be molecular reaction mechanisms and interactions of proteins monitored by time-resolved spectroscopy, especially time-resolved FTIR. In addition vibrational imaging of cells and tissue by FTIR and Raman imaging will be in the focus. The application of these techniques in diagnostics will be presented. Beside vibrational spectroscopy, high resolution techniques in fluorescence spectroscopy, near field spectroscopy, ESR and NMR will be a topic.

More information is available on the conference homepage.

We would like to invite all interested person to submit an abstract. It would be a great pleasure, if you would find time to come.

Registration and abstract submission is open on